You have no idea about how to get an EAC Certificate? Looking for a course or a book like “EAC for Dummies“? No problem! Here you are the most frequent questions about EAC and GOST certification.
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No, it’s not the same. The EAC marking is needed to export to the Eurasian Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia).
There are many differences between EAC and GOST, the main two are:
1. the scope: EAC is mandatory for a wider range of products, including some not subject to CE (cosmetics, clothing, footwear, etc.).
2. The EAC system does not allow self-declaration. Conformity assessment must always go through a third-party body and/or an official registry of certifications.
EAC means “Eurasian Conformity“, a complex of technical and safety requirements that must be met in order to export to the Eurasian Customs Union. TR CU and TR EAEU Regulations are the norms that define the EAC mark requirements.
The two most common EAC documents are EAC Declaration of Conformity and EAC Certificate of Conformity.
There’s also a third document that authorizes the EAC Marking, the State Registration Certificate.
The most important information you have to provide in order to get an EAC certification is the HS Code (Tariff heading, Taric Code) of your product. It often defines by itself the conformity assessment scheme. We also need datasheets and technical manual in order to inform about all the steps of the process.
The EAC logo is the mark that must be applied to a product (and/or its packaging) as a valid proof of the conformity to the EAC regulations. Products EAC-marked have passed the conformity assessment procedures required by law.
The EAC logo must have a minimum size (5 mm) and must be applied according to specific rules.
You can dowload the EAC in different formats here.
The EAC Certificate of Conformity is one of the documents that make possible the EAC marking. It usually requires both a company audit and technical tests in an accredited Russian (or Eurasian) laboratory.
The EAC Declaration of Conformity is one of the most common document that makes possible the EAC marking. According to the applicable certification assessment scheme, a Declaration can be issued without testing the product in an accredited Eurasian laboratory.
In this case, the conformity assessment is based on the manufacturer’s tests or technical documentation.
On a label or a plate, EAC means that the product has obtained the “Eurasian Conformity”, namely it has passed the conformity assessment procedures indicated in the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia).
It’s a synonim of EAC Marking.
No, Russia does not accept the CE Marking as a valid document for Customs Clearance purposes. Instead of the CE, EAC Marking is mandatory.
The CE Mark, and especially the CE Technical File, can be useful during the EAC conformity assessment procedure since it includes the technical informations needed to issue an EAC Declaration of Conformity according to 1D assessment scheme.
The price of an EAC certification can vary from a minimum of less than 1,000 euros to tens of miles of euros, depending on several factors:
- applicable Regulations
- tests to be carried on
- validity of the certification.
For example, the procedure to get an EAC Fire Safety Certificate according to TR EAEU 043/2017 is especially complex, so its cost is above average.
GOST means “State Law” and comes from Государственный Стандарт (Gosudarstvenny Standart, in Russian). It’s a word widely used in the majority of ex USSR countries, so GOST R refers to Russian national laws (hierarchically inferior to EAC standards), GOST K or GOST ROK to Kazakhstan, GOST UZ to Uzbekistan, and so on.
GOST Certificates can be mandatory or issued on a voluntary basis. They can be limited to a specific contract or have a validity of 1, 3 or 5 years.
Besides the more common GOST R Mandatory Certificate, the GOST conformity assessment may be accredited issuing a GOST R Declaration, nowadays pretty residual.
Traditionally the Russian Fire Certificate (for fire extinguishing equipment, fire protection devices, barriers to fire materials, extractors, safety valves, electrical panels, etc) was a specific GOST R Certificate issued according to the Federal Law n. 123 of 22 July 2008 (123-ФЗ in Russian).
Today this law has been almost competely replaced by the EAC Regulation TR EAEU 043/2017. We are experts in this field, please carefully read our detailed article and schedule a meeting at your convenient time.
PCT was historically the logo of the GOST-marked products. Today the products subjected to GOST Mandatory Certification should be marked with the CTP logo.